Or later
I'll start tomorrow
New single! New video! New shows! I'm outta here
If you didn’t know already, New Constant Light single and video
Also two shows this weekend, should you happen to be in or able to be in Sydney/.
Lastly, if you read this far, I will be in Europe/UK from mid-December and would like to hear any and all pertinent recommendations. Thank you.
Upcoming shows
New single! New video!
The first single of the upcoming Constant Light album has officially dropped. Video and links below!
If that wasn’t enough, some audio/video of the last Automating/Constant Light/Spitfire Parade solo performance:
A show? What year is this anyway? Oh a pretty amazing release also...
Wow! It’s been a while. As a bit of a rarity, and because it’s much cheaper to send one expendable person than five, will be doing a medly of old, new, and unperformed Spitties and Constand Light tracks, perhaps with a surprise or two.
Try booking: https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing?eid=1017617&
Why am I evening bothering to maintain a website?
3 years after the last piece of ‘news’, there is at least this
Oh I also have a twitter now for some ridiculous reason. It’s accessed somewhere here on the right by clicking whatever the colour icon is that represents it.
A YEAR (2019 edtn.)
…and what a difference it makes.
Well better get a year’s subscription’s worth of news in.
Please investigate at your leisure.
Constant Light have finally released our second album. See the video for the first single above, stream/purchase the album below!
New Automating finally dropped, and a couple of nice mentions in The Wire.
June (!?) update
Oh dear, after a fantastic string of updates (2 in a week!) last year it looks like there's only been an update biannually. Hopefully you can take some time out to investigate the following:-
A co-release with Iceage Productions (https://iceageproductions.bandcamp.com/album/shadowboxing) featuring Milica Stefanovic. Bass and sampler, all live, no overdubs!
contact via email to book shows
Lightbox Sky is the new release by Automating. Only one copy, gone. Digital available.
Automating show at the Darwin Fringe Festival on 11 July: https://www.facebook.com/events/174855173153210/
The new Automating album is finished, please get in contact if you want to assist in releasing it.
Constant Light start mixing our second album, a scant erm, seven years after the debut. There were also a couple of live shows earlier this year (as seen above). As before, get in contact if you'd interested in assisting the release, or would like to book a show from mid-July
Automating - Einstellung Zwei
New release, available in archival cassette:
Thanks to Peter ( http://programs.edgeradio.org.au/sonography/2018-01-17 ), Ian ( https://www.pbsfm.org.au/node/72581 ), and Paul ( https://pbsfm.org.au/node/72629 ) for the early love on their respective radio shows!
Constant Light - From The Unhip (Observations/2)
A mere six and a half years since the first 'Observations' release, we are proud to present the next instalment...
Siren Song
Interview and live set on Radio Cuddleman
I was recently a guest on my friend Simon's radio show.
Listen here:
I'm going to the DOCKLANDS installation
Residency at The Food Court, Docklands
The Food Court is happy to announce our third Residency announcement, Sasha Margolis.
Sasha has been working as a Sound Artist in various guises and locations since 2007. Recently, he has undertaken a Masters degree in Spain, a site-specific residency in remote Finland and esoteric education in England. He is also a creative element and musician in various Kosmische and Post-Punk bands in Melbourne.
The Food Court residency will consist of a medium-term psycho-geographic exploration of the sonic environment in and around The Food Court; a seemingly banal medium-density residential/commercial zone which nonetheless can and will offer surprising, enlightening, and possibly disturbing insights regarding the minutiae of sounds that make up the background ambience of life.
National Programme For Excellence in the Arts
New Music June
New Automating EP out:
Barcelona Recording Class
New Music November / December
41°22'44.7"N 2°10'45.5"E 6.33pm
The square is relatively empty considering the time, and the fountain is off. It is quite a still evening. Scooters and sparse shouts echo off the almost unbroken line of building facades, and it is possible to hear the approximate dimensions of the space. While none of the of the surfaces around the square are in any way absorbent, the comparative size of the two main axes (especially facing the Basilica) coupled with the completely open area above means that the reverberations do not become too oppressive, but are ever-present.